Big Bird
There was no such ”beast” in the forest.
Big Bird / 大鳥(おおとり)
難易度 | Level3 |
スピード | RegenCoil |
スタン | 危 弱 普 良 無効 |
形式 | 追跡型 - 視認追跡系 |
8Page | 出現する |
難易度 | Level4 |
スピード | EmeraldCoil |
スタン | 危 弱 普 良 無効 |
形式 | 追跡型 - 視認追跡系 |
Victims suffer from blindness while Entity is within the vicinity. Entity uses its lantern to lure victims towards it, then decapitates victims with its massive beak.
To this bird, death in itself is salvation. If it just ripped off the head of a poor little girl who got lost in the forest, to it, there was no mistake, malice, or murder. It thinks it’s just saved the girl from the beast.
Big Bird originates from Lobotomy Corporation, created by Project Moon. Model, textures, and animation by Beyond, sounds and music by Project Moon.
Library of Ruina - First Warning