is it strum or sturm???
Sturm / ストゥルム
難易度 | Level3 |
スピード | RegenCoil- EmeraldCoil |
スタン | 危 弱 普 良 無効 |
形式 | 追跡型 - 視認加速系 |
8Page | 出現 |
難易度 | Level4 |
スピード | SpeedCoil HOPELESS |
スタン | 危 弱 普 良 無効 |
形式 | 追跡型 - 視認加速系 |
Entity attacks with the propeller engine stuck to its body. The blades of the propellers themselves appear to be made of chainsaws.
Heisenberg’s notes describe it as having very low intelligence, all though it still seems cognizant enough to recognize his voice and obey his commands. It managed to cut its own arms off with its own propellers.
All assets from Resident Evil: Village. Animated by Beyond.
RE8 - Sturm